Thursday, September 3, 2009


So I read a news article this morning on a Hispanic news source that kinda bothered me.
In case you might be able to read Spanish, here is the link.
So, under that picture (which I LOVE) there is a caption that says "Militants that oppose [Obama's] health care reform plan took to the streets with their whole arsenal." That pisses me off. No wonder the international community thinks so much of Obama, thier news sources are all painting him to be a hero, some sort of Saint. Meanwhile, his approval rating is dropping in the US, despite the fact that all our own news sources are praising him left and right. At least the American people are starting to see through some of the things Obama is trying to do. Even congress, that we all (including Obama I dare say) thought would be in Obama's pocket, is starting to say "hang on there chief..... what was that you were asking us to do?" He is our president, that is a fact. Another fact is that he is OUR president, we are not HIS people. We elected him, that means he need s to do what WE want, not the other way around. I truly hope that his insanity prompts people to begin fighting for their rights, their representation in our government, and hold the government accountable to the will of the people.

That is all.

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