Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am about to graduate. Whatever. I have applied for jobs in both Mexico and Puerto Rico. No big deal. None of that seems out of the ordinary to me for some reason. What does seem strange is that the only reason I have for not leaving that has almost convinced me to stay here is my roommate. I have the greatest roommate I have ever had right now, a great friend. I am afraid if I leave that when I come back our friendship will have been lost like so many others were when I studied in Mexico before. Even ones I expected to be solid. Also, if I leave, then I am leaving him here alone to tend to the inn with a curfew, and basically chained to this spot anytime he can't get people to cover for him (and trust me, it is a whole new kind of hell just to get so called friends to sleep in the inn for a night to help you out). That in itself has almost been enough to make me want to stay. I am not sure what to make of that. Maybe I really do care that much about his life. Maybe I am just being selfish and don't want to feel like a punk if I leave. Who knows...

Also, this is cool:
La soledad me tiene acorralado
Como un guardián me sigue a todos lados
Y es que las flechas de tu recuerdo
Siguen clavándose aquí en mi pecho.