Sunday, October 18, 2009


I have just finished reading all the emails I sent to my mailing list while I was in Mexico and I miss Mexico more than ever. I was prompted to do read them by two things. 1) I saw the blog of my friend from Mexico that he wrote while he studied in the US for a year, 2) I talked on Skype (in Spanish) to an American friend who is currently studying in Mexico. It is really cool to hear her story and get her perspective and see just how much our experiences were alike or very different.

As I am looking at leaving the US again in the Spring to teach English I am thinking more and more about my future as a missionary. I have begun to feel more lately like I should go back to Mexico rather than going to Taiwan. That saddens me. I very much want to go to Taiwan too but am feeling more and more that my time would be better spent improving my Spanish. Ideally I could go to Taiwan for 6 months then to Mexico for 6 months, but that, so far, is not an option. If I have to pick I think I will be picking Mexico. That still leaves me in a quandary. If I go to Mexico for 6 months to teach, I will still need to kill 3 months before I can get an interpreting license. Sooooo, I think that means a globe trotting summer next year. I still want to at least visit Taiwan, Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, and maybe a few other places.... but 3 months is nowhere near enough for all that....

I have this chronic problem see; I always dream these big dreams, have these awesome plans, but they nearly never work out. Money, time, work, and school always seem to mess them up. I am certainly blessed to have traveled as much as I have and seen what I have of the world so I really shouldn't complain that I can't see ALL of it. But I do think I will ask for just a bit more.